The Global Search Engines

The Global Search Engines

The most important search engines are:

  • Google – The most significant search engine, which realises more than 25 million queries each day. Founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Siergiej Brin, in June 2000 had a database of 560 million pages.
  • Yahoo! – The most famous web portal in the world, created as web directory, then he changed as crawler-search engine. Currently Yahoo! uses data covered by Bing.
  • Overture – Overture was the first search engine which introduced the Pay Per Click method, currently replaced in Europe by Yahoo! Search Marketing.
  • Ask Jeeves/Teoma – Search engine which has the ability to answer questions in natural language. The results include sponsored links and Google Ads (Google AdWords) paid links.
  • Bing (formerly MSN) – The official Microsoft search engine.
  • Alta Vista – Search engine created by Digital. Alta Vista gets sponsored links from Overture and the results from own catalog from LookSmart.
  • AOL – links provided by Google Ads (Google AdWords). AOL is mainly based on Google results.
  • Lycos – web directory whcih is managed by Open Directory Project, Overture sponsored links.
  • Facebook Search uses the Bing’s engine, Microsoft’s search engine uses Facebook’s likes to show additional information in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).
  • Search Alliance Yahoo! and Microsoft. Yahoo! technology was tranferred in the US an Canada for Microsoft platforms.
  • Yandex. Russian search engine that is able to read pages from Facebook.
  • The famous search engine, which, however lost its importance. It’s owned by IAC and is preferred on the web, but there is no chance in fight with against competitors.

Some photographs on the flyingcomp website and fanpage were legally placed from a free photo bank: pixabay

The article „The Global Search Engines” was developed by Adam Stopa based on sources:

  1. „SEO & SEM” – Marco Maltraversi.

Image by Simon Steinberger from Pixabay

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